Management Team

CF Corporate has spent significant resources to gather a team of highly skilled, knowledgeable, and motivated individuals. Our team members from the executives to our support staff work collaboratively to ensure resellers have access to the highest level of service. We guarantee that working with our courteous and professional team will be a fulfilling experience and provide you with the assurance that your finance needs are taken care of by the best in the field.

Mike Yiannakou
Sales Director
Mike joined the CF Group in 1992. He oversees all aspects of the business and is ultimately responsible for the external sales function for both the CF Corporate team and Tech as a Service & Print at Your Service teams and associated programmes outside of our core business.
David Cooper
National Sales Manager
David joined CF Corporate in 2015 and has more than 20 years’ experience in the sales aid finance sector. Having a strong pedigree in sales, David is responsible for the entire sales force and Sales support functions at CF Corporate.
Ashley Wildsmith
Sales Support Manager
Part of the CF team for over 15 years, managing the internal sales support team, Ashley’s role is to help maintain & grow supplier relationships alongside the external account managers. Working across the pay-out, admin and sales support teams has allowed Ashley to gain a greater understanding of our processes and services.
Ash Butler​​​​
Business Operations Team Manager
Ash joined CF Corporate in 2016 and has worked in the admin, the sales support team and is now Business Operations Team Manager. He works very closely with every team in the business and works closely with the Directors developing new business. Ashley is also responsible for CF’s growing CRM system.
Darren Allen​​​​
Finance Director and Company Secretary
Darren joined the Business in 2009 and is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the finance function as well as both facilities and fleet management. He has a wealth of accounting experience having worked in local government, manufacturing and internal auditing, with twenty-five years in senior management and board roles.
Andy Percy
Operations Director
Andy has been with the CF Group since its inception in January 1989. Andy oversees all aspects of the business and is responsible for the day to day operations of CF Corporate Finance within the Bishop’s Stortford office.
Amity Westlake
Payout Manager
Amity joined CF Corporate in December 2015, shortly after graduating. After gaining considerable experience within the department, progressed to Team Leader, followed by promotion to Payout Manager. Amity has overall responsibility for the Payment Team, handling all documentation matters and liaising with Resellers.
Denise Watson​​​​
Client Services Manager
Denise joined the Sales Support Team in 2013 & has since progressed to working in various other departments within CF, from external sales to training & employee development manager, to her current role as Client Services Manager. She is responsible for ensuring that our high standards of customer service are achieved.
Ken Wilding
IT and HR
Ken has been with the business since 1993, he is responsible for all aspects of the company’s IT infrastructure at the Bishops Stortford office. Ken is also head of HR, as well as being an integral part of the senior management team.
Beverley Raxworthy​​​​
Head of Technology Funding
Beverley joined the company in 2005, having had considerable previous experience in the leasing marketplace and has worked within numerous CF divisions. After being promoted to ‘Head of Technology Funding’ in 2020 Beverley’s division now controls relationships with some of the UK’s largest VARs including TD Synnex and CF’s Microsoft Surface Programme.
Mark Burling
Mark joined the CF Group in 2003 having worked in the sales aid and asset finance industry since 1986. A knowledgeable underwriter who has significant experience in the office equipment leasing industry. Mark is responsible for overseeing the day to day operations of the credit function.
Ross Crisp
Activations Manager
Joining the pay-out team at in April 2014, Ross has worked within the sales support team and the admin department to gain experience within the team. Promoted to pay-out manager, he is now responsible for a growing team who receive signed finance documents for checking, validating, activation and payment.
Nigel Hunter
customer service, compliance and administration manager
Nigel joined the CF Group in June 1994 and has 30 years knowledge of the leasing industry. Whilst Nigel’s main role is customer service, compliance and administration manager within CF Capital plc his experience is essential for C F Corporate in investigating customer disputes.

tel: 01279 759400 // email:


CF Corporate’s latest innovation, Flexscription, is a flexible, transparent and sustainable subscription model that represents a totally new approach to finance that has taken the market by storm.

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